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♥ Friday, December 22, 2017 @
2:39 PM
`Kuroshitsuji 135 and Circus Arc and Jack the Ripper Arc
Circus Arc, this was the guy talking to Baron Kelvin
Chapter 135
Also, the guy in Circus Arc used honorifics when speaking to Baron Kelvin, meaning that he is of a lower status. Power struggle?
Circus Arc
Chapter 135
I don't think that that the hooded guys or the seller knew that Ciels were of the Phantomhive family, because 40 pounds should be quite a lower price for children of nobility (inflation taken into account). Maybe they found a way to escape but ended up getting kidnapped again anyway.
Also, have you seen that :

the lady is showing her legs? which is a social taboo at that time and such a behaviour is supposedly obscene.
If you notice, the mask of the woman unmasking Ciel is wear a moth/butterfly mask
In the 'Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon' article under the Pall Mall Gazette newspaper, the editor Stead, tried to expose the truth of child prostitution and bought a girl for 5 pounds (604.33 pounds, price now). If it's of interest, an average slave cost 67.24 pounds now.
In comparison, the Viscount priced Robin Ciel at 1000pounds (£120,865.83), it makes 40 pounds seem cheap.
However, the bidders are wearing ordinary masks.
What happened:
Nearly everyone guessed it was a gang-rape scene even though it wasn't explicitly stated. Long ago, everyone suspected he was tortured and probably sexually assaulted but not to this extent...
Demon Sacrifice and Virgin Boys
From TropeWiki (Would you count it a reliable source for this?)
A subtrope of Human Sacrifice, Virgin Sacrifices typically fall under three main categories:
1) As payment to a god or some other power, either to keep them functioning or to win their favor in general.
2) As payment to a god or some other power for the exclusive use of some powerful Applied Phlebotinum.
3) As a necessary fuel for one's own continued existence (eg: a vampire who needs to feast on -- or bathe in -- virgin blood every once in a while in order to continue living).
Popular places to conduct virgin sacrifices include, dark, skull-lined altars under glowering idols (is that the statute?) and the edges of active volcanoes. Abandoned churches with upside-down crosses in them make a nice setting for any vampiric or Satanically-themed sacrifices (although, if the church in question is in use, the alley next to it works just as well).
In the ultra-rare case that a male virgin is required for a Virgin Sacrifice, expect the situation to be played for as much humor as possible. (not so much in Chapter 135‘s case) the squickiest of such ceremonies (which are not shown on TV for obvious reasons) involve the virgin being raped as part of the sacrifice.
Blood (maybe this is why they used rape?): Because blood is life. It has an energy, a life force. So Demons are attracted to it. Plus, it gives them some substance to take some form. If only you could see the demons attracted to the fresh corpses of the newly killed on the battlefield in times of war.
The sacrifice

It says: You have given a sacrifice, and this is before he contracts the demon.
To contract, he would then have to give up his soul meaning that one has to sacrifice a human life to summon the devil and then sacrifice his soul to have the devil grant his wish.
Connection with Queen Victoria
We know that London Bridge had a human sacrifice Theory. I'm not sure who is the one doing the sacrificing, if there's any truth to it, but maybe the Royals because the Bridge is public good aka under the state??
As with Royals, they have their fair share of rumours including Child Pedophile:
I take it with a pinch of salt though.
Sexual exploitation of children
The ‘Maiden Tribute campaign’
Indeed, one of the first modern newspaper moral crusades, run in July 1885 by W. T. Stead, the editor of the London evening paper the Pall Mall Gazette, was on the evils of child prostitution. In a series of four articles, published in July 1885 under the sensational headline ‘The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon’, Stead sought to expose the prevalence of child prostitution in the heart of the empire. He explicitly intended to put pressure on the House of Commons, which was debating and threatening to defeat, for the third time, a Criminal Law Amendment Bill raising the age of consent from 13 to 16. Countless girls, Stead claimed, were being sacrificed to the insatiable ‘London Minotaur’ in a horror far worse than those recalled in myths of ancient Greece. Stead described this underground trade in considerable detail, explaining how often unsuspecting girls were lured to their ‘ruin’, and interviewing brothel-keepers, procurers and their victims to reveal all sides of the practice. Stead’s most daring tactic was to relay how he had been able to buy, with little difficulty, a 13 year-old girl, Eliza Armstrong, for £5. The series provoked a national uproar. While some newsagents refused to stock what they regarded as an ‘obscene’ publication, there were riots outside the paper’s offices as vendors fought to get hold of extra copies. Thousands of unofficial reprints circulated around London, and the stories were spread around Europe and the United States. The matter was raised in Parliament, where the revelations changed the dynamics of the debates on the Criminal Law Amendment Bill. Stead himself was eventually prosecuted for his part in the purchase of Armstrong and he served three months in Holloway Prison. He was unbowed on release, convinced of the justice of ending what he saw as a ‘conspiracy of silence’ surrounding the subject. The eventual passage of the new legislation, which also increased police powers over brothels, seemed to testify to the power of his crusading journalism.
This campaign showed that the press could generate significant political and public debate about the sexual exploitation of children. Stead deployed a shrewd combination of melodrama, titillation and moral seriousness to capture readers’ attention, framing the problem as one with a clear enemy – the ‘dissolute rich’ – and practical solutions, namely raising the age of consent and tackling brothel owners. The combination of press interest, active campaign groups, such as the NSPCC and the National Vigilance Association, and reform-minded politicians, kept the issue on the public agenda for some years, resulting in legislation such as the Punishment of Incest Act of 1908. This momentum was, however, difficult to sustain. Women’s organisations tried to maintain the pressure for reform after 1918, but the climate they faced gradually became less hospitable, and press and parliamentary support was hard to find.
Given the girl is bought for 5 pounds, Ciel cost 8 times of that, is that a justifiable price for a son of an Earl?
Moths and Butterflies
Butterflies were often mentioned in Kuro, re Lau. This is the first time moths were mentioned, I believe:
for the symbolism of moths: apparently it means homosexuality as well.

I believe the moth in this chapter is the Male Emperor Moth because of its 4 eyes, and it is also native to Britain. I wonder if it represents that those who raped Ciels were Men?
Apparently Vincent and Rachel died on 14 December 1885, on their twins' 10th birthday. It's a Monday and when I tried to search to see if any major events happened in Britain, nothing significant showed up. In fact nothing significant in the month of December, so oh well
More analysis when I can think clearly!

♥ The Webmistress

Just someone who happens to like Anime and Japan. That's all.
Don't come ranting on how I mistranslated the dialouges, I treat this as a way to improve my japanese as well as a passion. Even if you are thinking that I'm a bad translator, I do know that too.
黒執事 II
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Hello! Honey Baby!
For Kuroshitsuji translation, I would advise for those reading to open a smaller screen and place both side by side so that you can read and watch simultaneously. If you do not like watching on a small screen, maybe you can read first, and watch and read again to get the full idea
♥ Friday, December 22, 2017 @
2:39 PM
`Kuroshitsuji 135 and Circus Arc and Jack the Ripper Arc
Circus Arc, this was the guy talking to Baron Kelvin
Chapter 135
Also, the guy in Circus Arc used honorifics when speaking to Baron Kelvin, meaning that he is of a lower status. Power struggle?
Circus Arc
Chapter 135
I don't think that that the hooded guys or the seller knew that Ciels were of the Phantomhive family, because 40 pounds should be quite a lower price for children of nobility (inflation taken into account). Maybe they found a way to escape but ended up getting kidnapped again anyway.
Also, have you seen that :

the lady is showing her legs? which is a social taboo at that time and such a behaviour is supposedly obscene.
If you notice, the mask of the woman unmasking Ciel is wear a moth/butterfly mask
In the 'Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon' article under the Pall Mall Gazette newspaper, the editor Stead, tried to expose the truth of child prostitution and bought a girl for 5 pounds (604.33 pounds, price now). If it's of interest, an average slave cost 67.24 pounds now.
In comparison, the Viscount priced Robin Ciel at 1000pounds (£120,865.83), it makes 40 pounds seem cheap.
However, the bidders are wearing ordinary masks.
What happened:
Nearly everyone guessed it was a gang-rape scene even though it wasn't explicitly stated. Long ago, everyone suspected he was tortured and probably sexually assaulted but not to this extent...
Demon Sacrifice and Virgin Boys
From TropeWiki (Would you count it a reliable source for this?)
A subtrope of Human Sacrifice, Virgin Sacrifices typically fall under three main categories:
1) As payment to a god or some other power, either to keep them functioning or to win their favor in general.
2) As payment to a god or some other power for the exclusive use of some powerful Applied Phlebotinum.
3) As a necessary fuel for one's own continued existence (eg: a vampire who needs to feast on -- or bathe in -- virgin blood every once in a while in order to continue living).
Popular places to conduct virgin sacrifices include, dark, skull-lined altars under glowering idols (is that the statute?) and the edges of active volcanoes. Abandoned churches with upside-down crosses in them make a nice setting for any vampiric or Satanically-themed sacrifices (although, if the church in question is in use, the alley next to it works just as well).
In the ultra-rare case that a male virgin is required for a Virgin Sacrifice, expect the situation to be played for as much humor as possible. (not so much in Chapter 135‘s case) the squickiest of such ceremonies (which are not shown on TV for obvious reasons) involve the virgin being raped as part of the sacrifice.
Blood (maybe this is why they used rape?): Because blood is life. It has an energy, a life force. So Demons are attracted to it. Plus, it gives them some substance to take some form. If only you could see the demons attracted to the fresh corpses of the newly killed on the battlefield in times of war.
The sacrifice

It says: You have given a sacrifice, and this is before he contracts the demon.
To contract, he would then have to give up his soul meaning that one has to sacrifice a human life to summon the devil and then sacrifice his soul to have the devil grant his wish.
Connection with Queen Victoria
We know that London Bridge had a human sacrifice Theory. I'm not sure who is the one doing the sacrificing, if there's any truth to it, but maybe the Royals because the Bridge is public good aka under the state??
As with Royals, they have their fair share of rumours including Child Pedophile:
I take it with a pinch of salt though.
Sexual exploitation of children
The ‘Maiden Tribute campaign’
Indeed, one of the first modern newspaper moral crusades, run in July 1885 by W. T. Stead, the editor of the London evening paper the Pall Mall Gazette, was on the evils of child prostitution. In a series of four articles, published in July 1885 under the sensational headline ‘The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon’, Stead sought to expose the prevalence of child prostitution in the heart of the empire. He explicitly intended to put pressure on the House of Commons, which was debating and threatening to defeat, for the third time, a Criminal Law Amendment Bill raising the age of consent from 13 to 16. Countless girls, Stead claimed, were being sacrificed to the insatiable ‘London Minotaur’ in a horror far worse than those recalled in myths of ancient Greece. Stead described this underground trade in considerable detail, explaining how often unsuspecting girls were lured to their ‘ruin’, and interviewing brothel-keepers, procurers and their victims to reveal all sides of the practice. Stead’s most daring tactic was to relay how he had been able to buy, with little difficulty, a 13 year-old girl, Eliza Armstrong, for £5. The series provoked a national uproar. While some newsagents refused to stock what they regarded as an ‘obscene’ publication, there were riots outside the paper’s offices as vendors fought to get hold of extra copies. Thousands of unofficial reprints circulated around London, and the stories were spread around Europe and the United States. The matter was raised in Parliament, where the revelations changed the dynamics of the debates on the Criminal Law Amendment Bill. Stead himself was eventually prosecuted for his part in the purchase of Armstrong and he served three months in Holloway Prison. He was unbowed on release, convinced of the justice of ending what he saw as a ‘conspiracy of silence’ surrounding the subject. The eventual passage of the new legislation, which also increased police powers over brothels, seemed to testify to the power of his crusading journalism.
This campaign showed that the press could generate significant political and public debate about the sexual exploitation of children. Stead deployed a shrewd combination of melodrama, titillation and moral seriousness to capture readers’ attention, framing the problem as one with a clear enemy – the ‘dissolute rich’ – and practical solutions, namely raising the age of consent and tackling brothel owners. The combination of press interest, active campaign groups, such as the NSPCC and the National Vigilance Association, and reform-minded politicians, kept the issue on the public agenda for some years, resulting in legislation such as the Punishment of Incest Act of 1908. This momentum was, however, difficult to sustain. Women’s organisations tried to maintain the pressure for reform after 1918, but the climate they faced gradually became less hospitable, and press and parliamentary support was hard to find.
Given the girl is bought for 5 pounds, Ciel cost 8 times of that, is that a justifiable price for a son of an Earl?
Moths and Butterflies
Butterflies were often mentioned in Kuro, re Lau. This is the first time moths were mentioned, I believe:
for the symbolism of moths: apparently it means homosexuality as well.

I believe the moth in this chapter is the Male Emperor Moth because of its 4 eyes, and it is also native to Britain. I wonder if it represents that those who raped Ciels were Men?
Apparently Vincent and Rachel died on 14 December 1885, on their twins' 10th birthday. It's a Monday and when I tried to search to see if any major events happened in Britain, nothing significant showed up. In fact nothing significant in the month of December, so oh well
More analysis when I can think clearly!

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♥ Tarot card of the week
Tarot card of the week
< font size=20 >Basic Card Symbols
A man hanging by one foot from a Tau cross - sometimes from a bar or tree. His free leg is always bent to form a "4," his face is always peaceful, never suffering. Sometimes his hands are bound, sometimes they dangle. Sometimes coins fall out of his pockets or hands.
Basic Tarot Story
The Fool settles beneath a tree, intent on finding his spiritual self. There he stays for nine days, without eating, barely moving. People pass by him, animals, clouds, the wind, the rain, the stars, sun and moon. On the ninth day, with no conscious thought of why, he climbs a branch and dangles upside down like a child, giving up for a moment, all that he is, wants, knows or cares about. Coins fall from his pockets and as he gazes down on them - seeing them not as money but only as round bits of metal - everything suddenly changes perspective. It is as if he's hanging between the mundane world and the spiritual world, able to see both. It is a dazzling moment, dreamlike yet crystal clear. Connections he never understood before are made, mysteries are revealed.
But timeless as this moment of clarity seems, he realizes that it will not last. Very soon, he must right himself, and when he does, things will be different. He will have to act on what he's learned. For now, however, he just hangs, weightless as if underwater, observing, absorbing, seeing.
Basic Tarot Meaning
With Neptune (or Water) as its planet, the Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.
The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. This is a time of trial or meditation, selflessness, sacrifice, prophecy. The Querent stops resisting; instead he makes himself vulnerable, sacrifices his position or opposition, and in doing so, gains illumination. Answers that eluded him become clear, solutions to problems are found. He sees the world differently, has almost mystical insights. This card can also imply a time when everything just stands still, a time of rest and reflection before moving on. Things will continue on in a moment, but for now, they float, timeless.
Thirteen's Observations
Neptune is spirituality, dreams, psychic abilities, and the Hanged Man is afloat in these. He is also 12, the opposite of the World card, 21. With the World card you go infinitely out. With the Hanged Man, you go infinitely in.
This card signifies a time of insight so deep that, for a moment, nothing but that insight exists. All Tarot readers have such moments when we see, with absolute clarity, the whole picture, the entire message offered by a spread. The Hanged Man symbolizes such moments of suspension between physical and mystical worlds. Such moments don't last, and they usually require some kind of sacrifice. Sacrifice of a belief or perspective, a wish, dream, hope, money, time or even selfhood. In order to gain, you must give. Sometimes you need to sacrifice cherished positions, open yourself to other truths, other perspectives in order to find solutions, in order to bring about change. One thing is certain, whether the insight is great or small, spiritual or mundane, once you have been the Hanged Man you never see things quite the same.
Source: Aeclectic Tarot
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8 Designs + 1 Secret
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